Disease-gene associations mined from literature

Literature associating MUC5AC and clear cell adenoma

MUC5AC [ENSP00000485659]

Mucin-5AC; Gel-forming glycoprotein of gastric and respiratory tract epithelia that protects the mucosa from infection and chemical damage by binding to inhaled microorganisms and particles that are subsequently removed by the mucociliary system (PubMed:14535999, PubMed:14718370). Interacts with H.pylori in the gastric epithelium, Barrett's esophagus as well as in gastric metaplasia of the duodenum (GMD) .

Synonyms:  MUC5AC,  MUC5ACp,  hMUC5AC,  P98088,  P98088p ...

Linkouts:  STRING  Pharos  UniProt