Disease-gene associations mined from literature

Literature associating OSTN and acromesomelic dysplasia

OSTN [ENSP00000342356]

Processed Osteocrin; Hormone that acts as a regulator of dendritic growth in the developing cerebral cortex in response to sensory experience . Induced in the brain following membrane depolarization and inhibits dendritic branching in neurons of the developing cortex . Probably acts by binding to natriuretic peptide receptor NPR3/NPR-C, thereby preventing binding between NPR3/NPR-C and natriuretic peptides, leading to increase cGMP production (By similarity); Belongs to the Osteocrin family.

Synonyms:  OSTN,  C9JER6,  P61366,  C9JER6p,  hC9JER6 ...

Linkouts:  STRING  Pharos  UniProt  OMIM