Disease-gene associations mined from literature

Literature associating SULT1C2 and granular corneal dystrophy 2

SULT1C2 [ENSP00000319622]

Sulfotransferase 1C2; Sulfotransferase that utilizes 3'-phospho-5'-adenylyl sulfate (PAPS) as sulfonate donor to catalyze the sulfate conjugation of drugs, xenobiotic compounds, hormones, and neurotransmitters. May be involved in the activation of carcinogenic hydroxylamines. Shows activity towards p-nitrophenol and N-hydroxy-2-acetylamino-fluorene (N-OH-2AAF).

Synonyms:  SULT1C2,  SULT1C2p,  hSULT1C2,  B4DLP0,  B8ZZF7 ...

Linkouts:  STRING  Pharos  UniProt  OMIM