Disease-gene associations mined from literature

Literature associating STRA6 and syndactyly

STRA6 [ENSP00000456609]

Receptor for retinol uptake STRA6; Functions as retinol transporter. Accepts all-trans retinol from the extracellular retinol-binding protein RBP4, facilitates retinol transport across the cell membrane, and then transfers retinol to the cytoplasmic retinol-binding protein RBP1 (PubMed:9452451, PubMed:18316031, PubMed:22665496). Retinol uptake is enhanced by LRAT, an enzyme that converts retinol to all-trans retinyl esters, the storage forms of vitamin A . Contributes to the activation of a signaling cascade that depends on retinol transport and LRAT-dependent generation of retinol metabolites that then trigger activation of JAK2 and its target STAT5, and ultimately increase the expression of SOCS3 and inhibit cellular responses to insulin . Important for the homeostasis of vitamin A and its derivatives, such as retinoic acid . STRA6-mediated transport is particularly important in the eye, and under conditions of dietary vitamin A deficiency (Probable). Does not transport retinoic acid .

Synonyms:  STRA6,  STRA6p,  hSTRA6,  I3L0M6,  I3L1C7 ...

Linkouts:  STRING  Pharos  UniProt  OMIM