Disease-gene associations mined from literature

Literature associating TDRD3 and asbestosis

TDRD3 [ENSP00000440190]

Tudor domain-containing protein 3; Scaffolding protein that specifically recognizes and binds dimethylarginine-containing proteins. In nucleus, acts as a coactivator: recognizes and binds asymmetric dimethylation on the core histone tails associated with transcriptional activation (H3R17me2a and H4R3me2a) and recruits proteins at these arginine-methylated loci. In cytoplasm, may play a role in the assembly and/or disassembly of mRNA stress granules and in the regulation of translation of target mRNAs by binding Arg/Gly-rich motifs (GAR) in dimethylarginine-containing proteins.

Synonyms:  TDRD3,  TDRD3p,  hTDRD3,  A0A024QZE0,  B1AMN9 ...

Linkouts:  STRING  Pharos  UniProt  OMIM