Disease-gene associations mined from literature

Literature associating GJB4 and Chanarin-Dorfman syndrome

GJB4 [ENSP00000345868]

Gap junction beta-4 protein; Structural component of gap junctions (By similarity). Gap junctions are dodecameric channels that connect the cytoplasm of adjoining cells. They are formed by the docking of two hexameric hemichannels, one from each cell membrane (By similarity). Small molecules and ions diffuse from one cell to a neighboring cell via the central pore (By similarity); Belongs to the connexin family. Beta-type (group I) subfamily.

Synonyms:  GJB4,  GJB4p,  hGJB4,  Q9NTQ9,  Q9NTQ9p ...

Linkouts:  STRING  Pharos  UniProt  OMIM